A selection of images from the session at Worth Marshes (Lydden Valley RSPB Reserve) on Saturday 11th September.  The white stork stole the show.  Iniatially spotted in flight over Northbourne about two miles away, the enormous bird eventually landed on the scrape right in front of us, causing most of the other birds to take to the air in panic. It was unringed and therefore probably a wild bird not an escapee (another wandering individual from the Knepp Valley rewilding area perhaps?).  Other highlights included two hobby hawking for dragonflies near Great Wood, 2 whinchats and a wheatear.

White stork
White stork
White stork
White stork
White stork
White stork
Wood sandpiper
Note pale eye stripe, yellowish legs and spotted plumage
Note slightly drooping bill and scalloped upperparts
Shoveler and 2 ruff
Note size difference in ruff - smaller female on left
Female shoveler
Note bill shape
Little egret
Little egret
Eclipse drake shoveler (centre) and teal to side
Eclipse drake shoveler (centre) and teal to side

Latest comments

14.09 | 09:08

Certainly John, will do

14.09 | 08:02

Hi Tony, thanks for the response. Yes I’d like further details on Dungeness trip and to be updated on other events. Thanks

13.09 | 15:21

John. The next session will be at Dungeness on 17th October 10am to 3.30pm. If you would like further details or wish to be updated on other events please let me know.

13.09 | 08:18

Could you please send me details of your courses for the remainder of 2021

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